Thursday, April 22, 2010

Graduates Remain Unsure

Following graduation ceremonies at Crystal Lake Seminary, young men remained quiet and solitude. Prefering to remain unspoken on the subject of initiation rites that had taken place the previous weekend. The Hollier Than Thou Brotherhood stands behind the sanctifying methods past down through generations. "Some things definitely happened, but to tell you the truth, it all still seems a little hazey" one young fellowship member was quoted as saying. "I guess if it was for God, then it was alright, but I still feel kind of funny about it."


  1. You know what's wrong with all these meely mouthed preacher boys? No fuzz on their balls. Sure, they'll tell Brother Norward about not having sexual relations with the family pets but not tell ol' Mayor Helpshimself about the graft and bribes he accepts. Double standards. Tarnation!

  2. I love pictures of kids smoking...much better than monkeys.


I've got a cramp. You write for a while.