Friday, March 26, 2010

Last Passenger Pidgeon Found; Ate

As of now the world has been relieved of the burden of the truly fowl winged Passenger Pidgeon. The amassed millions of these bird are believed to have stripped tree stands for millenia until modern means of eradication took effect. Now the birds that defined the midwest will no longer burden mankind with their food stock. Here a young man gazes upon the last specimen.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Miller Bros. Brainstorm For Logo Design

The Miller brothers are working deligently trying to come up with a logo for their famous bathtub brew. Stymied by the proposition of going nation wide the rush is on. "What or we gonna do, I dunno, I gotta, hey slide over I gotta, hey hold on there, what the, I gotta go, whoops, I think I just." "I got nuthin.... Nuuuthin!"

Victorian Secret Catalogue Debuts

The fashionable Victorian Secret womens line of clothing is announcing it's winter line in a new fashion. Ladys apparel will now be featured in a new hard bound catalogue featuring models pictures in the latest fashion coterie. Orders are being taken via postage coach and telegraph wirings from across the land. But what of the men folk that may come across such a magazine wonders suffragget syrens.