Thursday, January 28, 2010

Plushie Acquited In Case Involving Castration

Indonesian manufactored plushie "MutiePutie" was acquitted wednesday in a court ruling that "sufficient elements" were present to define the act as self defense.

After weeks of unspeakable acts, the matted fetish parafanalia devised what he believed to be his only option in self survival, said Mr. MutiePutie's lawyer Harold Equivalantcile ESQ. Fashioning a piece of string into a noose he was easely able to fulfill his devised plot during one of the violent acts being perpetrated against him.
Mr. Mutieputie is resolved now to his fate even if that means being tossed into the trash and annexed into one of the foreign nations landfills. He does have aspirations of maybe spending time on some childs dresser or shelf said Equivalantcile. But given his demized condition and sorted past, he doesn't believe any self respecting parent would allow that to happen.

Chinese Antidefamation Leader Speaks Out In Protest

Chinese-American antidefamation leader Ching-Chang lambasted community leaders across the U.S. for not recognizing and speaking up against stereotypes propagating negative images in business.

Chinese Americans have helped advance interests in industrial sewing, laundry care, fireworks and in the fast food industry.

We're not all basketball playing racecar drivers as the media portrays us.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I've been doin stuff

I could go on, telling you about the stuff I do but really it's none of you business. Why exactly do you want to know what it is I do? You been following me or something.