Illiterate Labor forces remain on the job as the notifications delivered go without comprehension. Guffuie Oinswaggo, shown here examining said notice, remains baffled by the document presented to him in late august. "Der Priest vas da reader wat was ours" the local labor leader was quoted as saying during the daily two minute break from the arduous work schedule demanded of laborers in the mountainous urainium mining community of Doinka KaDonqia. Government official Dubo Klunfuder, when notified of the stock piling of the radio active material said he was thinking of colorcoding the notices to ease the transition these workers are experiencing. "As the king has proscribed, we are transitioning from a manufactoring society to an observing oriented society.
Unemployment rates have climbed to a now almost stable plateau of 99.999,999% causing great anxiety in Mr. Klunfuder as he remains the countries last employee. After firing all others, Klunfuder has found himself avoiding passing any mirror in the capitol building for fear of confronting himself. I've been successful so far at avoiding myself, but I can see the writing on the wall.
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I've got a cramp. You write for a while.