What was suppose to be a frolicking night of twisty dancing and HotsyTotsy Jazz by Fred Zepplin and the Derrigables turned into a hoarific scene of burning carnage and melting skin as concert goers fled the scene in all directions. At their first attempt at Pirotechnics, a form of choreography taken from Japanese Kubuki Theatre, Stage director Pup Cumpbum is quoted as saying that there had been some mix up with the japanese to chinese to english translation for the production piece. "It was only supposed to be 12 inches, not
1200 feet. But it was so inexpensive."
1200 feet. But it was so inexpensive."
"Help me, please I need medical attention, please put down the microphone and help me to the, uggghhh. " another concert goer was quoted as saying as they make there way past our radio broadcast stand.
Horrific and disgusting, just, the smell, disgusting.
Horrific and disgusting, just, the smell, disgusting.
As is typical of the effervescent jazz coniseiour, the "attention whore" act perpetrated by the concert goer is just one more reason we need to keep marijuana illegal.Help me, I'm on fire, may play well in the toxic dens of iniquity these people frequent but not up here on Broadstreet, USA. No sir, not now and O so help me God not ever. These "free thinkers" are bringing down the time honored tradition of cocaine for the lot of us. Cocaine is non-addictive and cheap. A natural way to get the swerve on as all the youngsters are saying. The "Hey, look at me" bullshit and banter that the jazz crowd used to enjoy is now touched by the burning two edged sword God intended it to be. Reduced to a smoking pile of ash, the jazz enthuiast was piled up and put into a hooka pipe to fulfill the sweet dream of being inhaled by a Mexican national. God save America! Bernthal X. Parkerhouseroll, Esq.