Dem dad blamed yankees dern near blowed my head oft. I adn't seen no fightin. Hadn't seen nothin but the back of the head of this danged ole smelly mississippi feller. Weed been leadin dem old mules pert near a week upin that ole coal shoot of a road come from Jackson when I got ta feelin the effects of that possum we found an eet the night before. So I headed oft up that there crick bank to take some relief.
I'd just topped er when i came upon dees fellars whatn all dressed in those yankee blues. Well I guess I kind of spooked em when I popped up like that. Kinda spooked me too, cus I let go of that turd like isa hot coal. One of them boys musta been loaded fer action cause he drawed down on me like quick and sent a big ole piece a shot right pass my head.
Well I just frozed, passed out cold from fear. But luckly that ole soft bank gived way sent me a tumblin. I woke up at the bottom of that bank a sittin straight up lookin at a turd what was lodged in my boot. That big ole smelly fella from Panther Burn musta seen what uz a goin on and hoisted me up and across that ole mule and we scadatteled.
That feller got oft one more shot at us as we's a ridin away. I tell you what, dem danged ole yankees dern near blowed my head oft.
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I've got a cramp. You write for a while.